Friday, September 17, 2010

Tabor House Event a Success -- Please Support Tabor House

We had a successful fund-raising effort for the Tabor House last night. 

Tabor House is a halfway house providing support for men who are seeking to regain the dignity lost by addiction. 

Tabor House has a 75% sobriety success-rate for five years out of the house -- this is an astonishing success-rate.  George Rose, Head of Operations for the New York Yankee organization in Japan, is one of the founders and the McGrath Family and my firm Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller (special thanks to Ray Dowd and Carol Sigmund) threw in their support for George and the event. 

Yankee GM Brian Cashman gave a Q&A and a good time was had by all ... proving that doing well by doing good is a great way to practice in law, in baseball and in life!

To support Tabor House please visit